Cuando tres o cuatro se reúnen en una habitación
Cuando tres o cuatro se
reúnen en una habitación
siempre hay uno parado
junto a la ventana.
y él debe ver la injusticia entre las espinas,
fuegos que devoran la
y debe ver cómo los
hombres que salieron adelante
son regresados a sus hogares al caer la noche como un vuelto.
Cuando tres o cuatro se reúnen en una habitación
siempre hay uno parado junto a la ventana:
pelo oscuro sobre sus pensamientos,
detrás de él
ante él voces que vagan sin mochila,
profecías áridas, corazones sin provisiones,
grandes piedras devueltas,
sin leer, como cartas sin
dirección y nadie para recibirlas.
Yehuda Amichai, Würzburg, 1924
– Israel, 2000
© Silvia Camerotto
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When Three or Four are
Gathered in a Room (Traducido del original por Robert Friend)
When three or four are gathered in a room
there’s always one who’s standing by a window.
And he must see injustice among the thorns,
fires devouring the hill,
and see how men who went forth whole
are returned to their homes at nightfall like small change.
there’s always one who’s standing by a window.
And he must see injustice among the thorns,
fires devouring the hill,
and see how men who went forth whole
are returned to their homes at nightfall like small change.
three or four are gathered in a room
there’s always one who’s standing by a window:
dark hair above his thoughts,
behind him words;
before him voices wandering without a knapsack,
waterless prophecies, hearts without provisions,
large stones returned,
unread, like letters with
no address and no one to receive them.
there’s always one who’s standing by a window:
dark hair above his thoughts,
behind him words;
before him voices wandering without a knapsack,
waterless prophecies, hearts without provisions,
large stones returned,
unread, like letters with
no address and no one to receive them.
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